The Unboxing School Movement

Time to override doomscrolling
“The unboxing school movement is a worldwide call for action to those who care and are committed to join forces in pursuit of significant changes in educational practices.”
As we deal with the long-lasting global crisis triggered by the pandemic, we realize that shared experiences raise new hopes for the long-awaited transformation of obsolete education systems. Moreover, there is a new mindset open to the opportunities for learning within the digital world, and even more significant, a new understanding about the true value of schools and educational institutions in general to students, parents and the community.
EdTech has finally been recognized as an enabler of change, having received unprecedented financial support as well as market interest. The dramatic turn from person-to-person to virtual, forced most to become early-adopters of digital solutions, exploring, experimenting, getting frustrated, being surprised, but overall, discovering a brave new world. Adults in general (parents, teachers, decision makers, etc.) felt closer than ever to the younger generations’ familiar digital and internet worlds.
Doomscrolling, the most searched for word in Google in 2021, not surprisingly reflects the state we were all in during 2020- 21. However, it urgently needs to be overridden by positive perspectives, especially among those whose role in society is to “educate” the youth. This issue of EdTech Mindset attempts to do exactly that – to provide a taste of the current global conversation, highlighting those offering their insights and experiences to support the much-needed educational change.